I got the rear wheel last week. I decided to go with the velocity deep v instead of the dp18 because I could afford to. Now that I have it I really can't tell a difference between the two aside from the velocity comes with a fancy cloth-ish rim strip. The surly cog on the other hand seems like a solid piece of equipment if ever their was one. Comparing it to my other cog I can definitely tell that the surly one was cast or forged, and not stamped which hopefully means it will last quite a long time.
I hit up the bike shop in bucktown this weekend to pick up a new lock, and just to see what kinda stuff they had that the shop in Kalamazoo might not carry. Aside from a shit load of chrome bags it was a pretty average shop. I asked one of the guys if they sold used parts, specifically a seatpost, and he seemed genuinlely surprised that I would be asking for bike parts in a bike store. Nonetheless, they had a new one for 20 bucks so I got it. Now all I need to get is a saddle and a track chain. For some reason chains are either 10 dollars or like 75 dollars and nowhere inbetween. I would really like to get a nice saddle like a fizik or a san marco, but they are so goddamn expensive. I'm probably just going to get the nashbar one, not bad looking for 14 bucks.